Thursday, 20 July 2017

Chapter. 1 Louise Clark! Is she too good to be true?

 Chapter 1       Louise Clark! Is she too good to be true? 

Louise Clark gives the impression she is a kind hearted decent human being with only one goal in life, and that is to do all she can for the poor maligned greyhound. But is that true? Is she really putting the greyhound first, rather than Louise Clark?

But who is Louise Clark? A few facts about her.

Their neighbours in Broad Walk Woodford do not like them, which is something of an understatement as they loath them. So why would that be?

Louise Clark engineered an argument with AK who works mornings at the kennels, which got very heated, so much so it was decided their paths wouldn’t cross so they were separated. But why would she pick on AK? Well! quite honestly, AK has forgotten more about greyhounds and kennel life than Louise Clark has ever known, so therefor was a threat to her. And of course AK was also a Greyhound Trainer in her earlier life. Louise Clark despises the Greyhound Racing Industry, especially greyhound trainers.

J and A who do the kennelling on Sundays and have done for many years, were once great friends of the Clarks, but don’t have anything to do with them now. I wonder why that is?

Richard Lobb, for many  years did an immense amount of good for the kennels, Johanna and the greyhounds, and also spent a great deal  of his spare time at Whittingham, so much so it appeared he was a fixture at Whittingham. Many people thought he was the rescue, not Johanna. It is also fact that he, who runs the website, yields the power, and Richard ran the website. He was a very clever man. Unfortunately, he became ill and was away from the kennels for some time. When he returned, Louise Clark had taken over the Whittingham website, much to Richards’s dismay, as it then seemed to him all the previous years he had spent at the kennels now meant nothing. In fact he had been kicked in the teeth by Louise Clark. He quickly left Whittingham and the hounds, and then went and volunteered for Joy Battley and her retired greyhounds. Not long after that he died all alone at home, and the tragedy was it was sometime before he was found. One of the volunteers, a kind man who will be very much missed by the greyhounds whom he did so much for..

So now Louise has the power, and with Johanna Beumer being computer illiterate any information she is given comes directly from Louise, be it true or fabricated. She knows full well that Johanna will never see it herself, or in fact write anything on a computer.

 So what will Louise do with this power? I think I know as it has it has already been demonstrated? She wants people out of Whittingham who know more than her about the greyhound.

Chapter 2. Louise Clark hates the Brexiteers.


Louise Clark was a “Friend” of mine on Face Book, and had been for a while. I’d even taken her and her mum, plus several others out to dinner, and I had also given Louise a £85 new Satnav to make finding her way around doing home checks a lot easier. So I had no axe to grind with her. In fact, she and her mum were often invited to join my friends on our regular walks around my local Pishiobury Park. We had a number of very nice meetings over there talking greyhounds and whatever, a lot of which I had filmed. Warts and all, with some conversations edited out as they referred to Johanna and her way of doing things, especially from Louise. Mind you I still have the tapes.

Then Brexit happened, and Louise Clark became a very volatile Re-moaner, and let everyone know this was the case. She had many arguments on line, none more so than with another volunteer from Whittingham, who shall be known as D. To say her whinging and whining became tedious was mildly putting it as I was getting all her rubbish on my Face Book feed. Day after day it went on, so I was forced to unfriend her which stopped it dead. I didn’t block her, just unfriended. The poop hit the fan as she noticed what I had done which made her throw her dummy out, which I’m afraid was the catalyst for what happened next.

Before I go into that I’ll just say I have known Johanna Beumer since the late 1970’s. In fact not long after she started re-homing greyhounds from the old Walthamstow Kennels along Sewardstone Road. In all of that time I have had many retired greyhounds from her. This was after I had stopped training my hounds for racing and retired them to a forever home with me where they lived out their full lives. Incidentally this was when Louise Clark was just a babe in arms. She knew this however. So I was another one she wanted out of the way in her quest to be number one at the kennels. She who must be obeyed was her eventual target. In her quest I think where she excels is she is very good at making people feel appreciated, well! That is to their face of course; behind their backs it is another matter, especially behind Johanna Beumers back.

One of my pet grievances is how returned greyhounds are treated when they are brought back in winter. I think it’s appalling how these dogs who have been living in a warm home, and are then  put in a very cold kennel, and an even colder paddock, without any form of coating until overnight,
is abuse. How the hell this can be caring for a greyhound is beyond me, especially a very confused greyhound who hasn’t a clue what has happened to him/her.  I’ve mentioned it to Johanna, but you are just wasting your time as it’s in one ear and out of the other.. I bought it up with Louise, but she lacks the bottle to confront Johanna, just behind her back, so she too is party to this abhorrent behaviour by her lack of compassion for these poor unfortunate hounds. She certainly isn’t as sweet as she appears, not by a long chalk.