Monday, 13 November 2017

Very happy greyhounds. 

Greyhound people, both Pro and Anti are normally quite decent people who look after, and love their Hounds. However, there are some so far down the evolutionary scale they hardly register. Both sides are aware of these individuals whom are intent on bringing the sport they say they love to its knees, (Pro's) as well as several Anti's who see the greyhound as nothing more than a crusade to enhance their own mundane lives. As I stated, there are many within the Industry who have done everything in their power to brighten the tedium of racing or retired greyhounds in their care, but unfortunately these more enlightened folk are often lumped together with the greyhound owners who kill, maim torture and abuse this very gentle breed of canine for whatever reason. The greyhound only wants to please and be loved in return, is that to much to ask from people whom he/she trusted? The people I find absolutely galling from with-in the sport are those who fail to appreciate the term: "RESCUED" as an explanation of how a greyhound came to be in their forever home. This is a short video of two greyhounds enjoying their new life as much loved pets, and yes, these and others just like them have been "Rescued" from a life of living in a wooden box where if they are lucky will be put in a small paddock to empty out a couple of times a day. Minimal human or canine contact, where the true reality is they are just waiting to die, unless of course they are rescued by a caring member of the general public appalled at the greyhounds plight.. Many others though are left to live the best they can in their own excrement and filth, until their God comes to take them back. A life with-out real love, no couch, no regular walks to meet their doggy friends, and no tit-bits or home to call their very own, A prisoner of circumstances who has committed no crime other than they were born a racing greyhound. A GREYHOUND SURE HAS TO BE BORN LUCKY

Tuesday, 7 November 2017

Chapter 3. Louise Clark throws a wobbly.

     Chapter 3

I have been filming the greyhounds up for adoption at Whittingham long before Louise Clark appeared, as well as filming the regular get-to-gethers, albeit at the kennels or over the Butlers Retreat with no problem, but I hadn’t taken into account how totally infuriated Clark had become by  my action of unfriending her. She really turned ugly. Every time she sees me she glared daggers, so it was no real surprise when she refused to put my latest film of the greyhounds desperate for a new home on the website. It then began to degenerate into even more childishness when she took all my earlier films off the website. Her excuse was they weren’t right and would stop greyhounds being rehomed. Without of course any explanation as to why? The stupidity of Louise’s statement made an amoeba look intelligent. Especially, as close on 500 people have already seen it on my You Tube page, with no complaints so far. I also get a lot of their personal comments to me with no detractors.. I just think it was more evidence that Clark thinks she is now in charge and what she says goes.

I made my current film the same day that Patch died, so I witnessed first-hand what had happened to him, and the staff there was not to amused to see me there.  No cover-up could take place so they had to grin and bear it, but I think it was another reason my film was not loaded on to the website. I think the next day’s posting made by Louise which started; “We don’t normally do an update” Of course they don’t, but they had too after I had written what had befallen poor Patch, and placed it on several greyhound websites. If I had my own way they would have had to answer the question, why did they put an old ailing greyhound in a warm paddock with no cover or shade for quite some time?

The kennels used to be a friendly place but since Clark has grabbed control all is not well. I had wondered why Louise had so many people who didn’t like her, but I wonder no more, she has done it all without really trying. One of the volunteers up there knows exactly what she is doing as he/she said to me I can’t say anything as I want to carry on coming up to the kennels. Is she that scary or just manipulative as its making people wary of saying anything in her presence.

The kennel website is a prime example of her intentions as no one except Louise can post any new topic, although others can, but they are immediately shuffled onto the side-lines which makes them very hard to find. Reputable websites, like WGW invite people to post their thoughts and opinions without hiding them, unlike Louise Clark who cannot bear criticism. So Clarks posting of;

12 June at 12:34 ·

From Johanna (owner of whittingham Kennels): We will not tolerate abusive posts or messages towards our staff at whittingham. All my staff are dedicated to homing the dogs in our care and do many hours unpaid beyond their shifts. Slanderous and wrong posts will be removed and will not be tolerated. We are lucky to have a great team who all work solely for the welfare of the dogs. We have a wonderful group of supporters and volunteers and will not allow our work to be undermined. Thank you all for your support towards finding homes for as many greyhounds as we can!

Which attracted a great deal of response of course, as I and a friend watched the innocent greyhound supporters being sucked into feeling so very sorry for her by posting their words of comfort while Louise was laughing with her hand over her mouth and thinking just how clever she had been.

But it was all total bullshit as nobody can post anything of this nature on her website as she has complete control. As for this message being written by Johanna Beumer, it is another complete lie, but it does show Clarks control intentions against the people who support the Whittingham Rescue. Johanna Beumer wouldn’t use the completely wrong term of Slanderous, when the correct term for any written defamation is Libel, and of course she would use a capital letter for Whittingham, plus “is” instead of are. Another look into the twisted mind of Louise Clark I’m afraid.

What really happened of course was I had written on my Face Book page exactly what I thought of Louise Clark over the Patch incident, and her failure to post my latest film of greyhounds desperate for a forever home. Somebody see what I had written, let’s call them D, and sent it to Louise, who then hatched the plan to make it look like I was threatening all at Whittingham when my only intention was only to give a written diatribe to the very childish Louise Clark. She didn’t stop there as she also went to Johanna running me down there as well with her little lies. Which I am afraid will result in me now giving Whittingham a miss. It will also mean the money I give to Whittingham, plus monies from my German friends who send me a large sum to give to greyhound rescues of my choice every Christmas, which a big portion went to Johanna,  going to a rather more deserving cause than Whittingham from now on..

The trouble is that Louise does a great deal for Johanna, who in return cannot risk the chance of losing her, so patronises her whims and lets her get on with it.

 I have been going to Whittingham for a long time now and I have seen a few people who think they can take Whittingham away from Johanna, but nobody has done it yet? But Clark is getting closer.

There has been one thing which has always bothered me about the Clarks, it is their greyhounds, I have never seen such an unhappy bunch of hounds in my life. Such a shame really.

 Chapter 4. Louise Clark, a right pain in the derriere!

I received a phone call the other day from someone at Whittingham Kennels, who shall remain anonymous. They left a message on my answerphone with information that all is not well at the kennels, I didn’t reply because sure as eggs are eggs, it’s going to get worse, so I will only watch from the side-lines as this once happy rescue turns into a den of iniquity. I will comment every now and then, which is my wont, but get involved? No!
One of the things that really irk my ire is hypocrites who never seem to grasp the fact they are hypocrites. I write this in deference to all those who keep cats as it’s a personal choice, which I don’t agree with, but tolerate, just.

On Clarks Facebook page, she has a long list of save this animal and save that animal, it’s really quite an impressive list of animals she would like to save. Admirable I suppose, until you are aware that she keeps cats that go out slaughtering small birds and animals without the Clark’s turning a hair and deciding this carnage must stop and they should cease keeping cats. I think it’s a case of not doing what I do, but do as I say. Yeah! Right!

There have been a couple of things which have happened at Whittingham that have put the Clarks in a very good light, which Louise Clark was quick to exploit to cement herself into the very good books of Johanna Beumer. The kennel’s roof needed replacing and a bore hole needed to be dug to give the rescue a reliable source of water. The Clark’s lent/gave the money to Whittingham so these jobs could be expedited before the RGT came up with the money to clear their debt.  Johanna is no fool; she was not going upset the Clark’s when they were going to put their hands in their pockets to quickly to come up with the cash whenever she needed a little financial help. I think that is what’s called holding a tiger by the tail.

Johanna Beumer owns the kennels and rescue, but it’s a kick in the teeth for the people who really care for the hounds and see what’s happening. I dread the winter, as I know there are greyhounds up there colder than brass monkeys. A very cold draughty kennel and greyhounds without coats, it’s a bloody travesty. Will it ever change? Well I hope so, but I’m not holding my breath..