Monday, 13 November 2017

Very happy greyhounds. 

Greyhound people, both Pro and Anti are normally quite decent people who look after, and love their Hounds. However, there are some so far down the evolutionary scale they hardly register. Both sides are aware of these individuals whom are intent on bringing the sport they say they love to its knees, (Pro's) as well as several Anti's who see the greyhound as nothing more than a crusade to enhance their own mundane lives. As I stated, there are many within the Industry who have done everything in their power to brighten the tedium of racing or retired greyhounds in their care, but unfortunately these more enlightened folk are often lumped together with the greyhound owners who kill, maim torture and abuse this very gentle breed of canine for whatever reason. The greyhound only wants to please and be loved in return, is that to much to ask from people whom he/she trusted? The people I find absolutely galling from with-in the sport are those who fail to appreciate the term: "RESCUED" as an explanation of how a greyhound came to be in their forever home. This is a short video of two greyhounds enjoying their new life as much loved pets, and yes, these and others just like them have been "Rescued" from a life of living in a wooden box where if they are lucky will be put in a small paddock to empty out a couple of times a day. Minimal human or canine contact, where the true reality is they are just waiting to die, unless of course they are rescued by a caring member of the general public appalled at the greyhounds plight.. Many others though are left to live the best they can in their own excrement and filth, until their God comes to take them back. A life with-out real love, no couch, no regular walks to meet their doggy friends, and no tit-bits or home to call their very own, A prisoner of circumstances who has committed no crime other than they were born a racing greyhound. A GREYHOUND SURE HAS TO BE BORN LUCKY

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